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Mekong Delta Yacht Club
Book announcement 1st printing
Coming 1st Qtr 2025
This book is written from my personal perspective, and stories from other 231st Vets and it chronicles the details of this Unit's activation from Pre-Call-Up 1964 to Discharge in January 1970. My MOS at the time of call-up was Deep Sea Salvage Diver trained in Ft. Eustis VA on Mark 5 equipment. Suddenly I was assigned to Bravo 16 as Chief Engineer. This change was totally unexpected until it was posted on boat crew list after we arrived Vung Tau Vietnam. It was called “On the Job Training” from the time we picked up Bravo 16 our LCM8 Mike Boat from the Saigon Port. It had arrived in all its glory on a Freighter New Port News VA.
The book is long overdue, and the stories are rapidly being lost as the survivors are in their 80's. It is a unique story with very little blood and guts but incredible stories of men and families trying to deal with a screwed-up Vietnam War for it was never declared a War nor National Emergency.
These reservists wanted no part of this so-called War but were obligated to serve or flee to Canada as a deserter.
The story will explain many missions of the Nineteen LCM's Landing Craft. First thing was to build from scratch a hooch to accommodate the six-man crews. Then the bare hulls were fitted with armor plate protective shields surrounding two heavy 50 Cal Browning Machine Guns and more. Missions scheduled into Vietnam's vast 3500 miles of Enemy Infested Mekong Delta transporting logistics material to scores of outposts and bases in support of the 9th infantry and Navy and Army Riverine forces. The story details how the 190 men from the same hometowns of Tampa Bay handled this unexpected call-up and surprisingly brought everybody back alive. Yes, this was considered a “God Willing Miracle” by Army Brass and Historians. How did six NCO's live and operate these 74’ floating semi-trucks through tricky South China Sea Crossings into enemy-controlled Mekong Delta? Each boat flew a Florida Flag, and all the Soldiers in the Delta were on the lookout for that Flag in hopes of offloading pallets of BEER!
Perhaps the secret of zero deaths was Moral Saving Beer? The 9th Infantry and Navy Riverine Forces thought the 231st Florida Boats were God Given Floating Beer Machines. They would unselfishly protect our cargo and Ass by air, land and sea.
E-mail TJTwitty@yahoo.com
with Subject
"Call Up The Reserves"

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231st Army Reserves St. Pete FL (LCM Boat Unit)
Called to active duty Vietnam May 1968 - Sept. 1969