Penny Porter
(Freelance Writer)
A former teacher and school administrator, Penny is one of the most
successful freelancers ever to hit Readers Digest. She has published stories
in a wide range of national circulation magazines, including Arizona Highways, Arizona
Magazine, Catholic Digest, Guideposts, Honda, Arizona Farmer, and Rancher, and
recently her works have appeared in a 5th portion of Chicken Soup for the
Soul and Chicken Soup for the Pet Lovers Soul.
Penny often writes non-fiction accounts of her experiences and
adventures with her husband and six children while cattle ranching on their remote ranch
in Cochise County, Arizona. She began writing for middle and high school levels because of
a need for compelling materials for this age group, and now adapts her stories for all
ages while compiling her first collection of true stories, Love Tales.
Penny is also the author of, The Keymaker: a novel for (grades 4-12), Howards
Monster, (K-3), Green Eggs and Sam (all ages) and the biography of Eugene Gifford Grace,
"as we remember him," she is a frequent speaker at workshops across the country,
including The Society of Southwestern Authors conference of which she is the current
president. She now lives in Tucson, Arizona, with her husband, and continues to write and
provide reading and writing workshops for students and adults.
By Ray Newton: Director of Readers Digest Workshops |