1968-69 Vietnam Deployment



2004 Reunion Sirata Hotel Oct. 15-17th

Medium Boat Company Vung Tau Vietnam

Happy to Report a Good Showing and a fine time by all.

Friday Evening: Looks like we had over 37 + Vets plus Wives Dates and Family show up at Harry's before the sun went down Friday night.  Great time was had by all and the most fun was trying to guess who the next Vet was that walked up to the name tag table.  After 35 years it was not that easy.  The party moved on after a perfect sunset and group photos to Silas Dents where owner Rob Stambaugh and staff did an excellent job with tables, drinks and food.  Everyone enjoyed seeing Dave Davidson (Supply Sergeant ) accompanied by his family. Dave has been quite ill but he wanted to see all the troops and gathered his strength to make the event.
After dinner the real hardy party folks moved on and closed several beach bars.  The last standing were Rick McCormick, Tom LaBarr and Tom Twitty and they fell over around 3:00 AM pool side at the Hotel.  
Saturday 16th : The day was spent mostly recovering from the previous night activities and gathering around the Hospitality Suite sharing albums and stories of the units experience.  We collected a ton of very neat images that will eventually be posted on this website archived for all times.  Tracy Pressner created a digital CD of his super 8 movies and we will get it converted and post it also on the website.  Keep an eye on these web pages as time goes by on for many improvements.
Saturday Night (Starlite Princess Dinner Cruise)
The boat boarded at 6:30 PM with 65 Vets, Wives, Dates and Guest.  It was a perfect night aboard the Starlite and we occupied the entire top deck.  The views were fantastic of the water front and setting sun and the "smell of diesel fuel" made the atmosphere just right.  Even tripping over the hatch thresholds going the the head brought back memories.  We managed the cruise without anyone (even Bob Cole)  falling down the engine room hatch.

The guest speakers: Mr. Alan Knitter of the VA and Mr. George Calder Director of State of FL Division of Benefits & Assistance out of Bay Pines were very informative and supplied many materials.  They offered advice and assistance to get all the Vets registered and qualified for Agent Orange benefits program if needed in the future. I was surprised that only a few of our Vets are registered at this time but think the message is clear.  Get registered before the opportunity is lost.  It does not matter that you are not in need of medical assistance or not.  MORE ABOUT THIS TO COME. 
The meal was excellent and the Starlite Crew was very accommodating.  It was a real neat way for our group to gather together and the brotherhood was showing. 
The cruise ended with the singing of Happy Birthday to Tom LaBarr (59).

After the cruise the hardy went bar hopping again and a few gathered around the deck at the Hotel and finished off the pallet of beer and tested the Vodka and Tang that was going to be used for the departure toast next morning.  It was decided that orange juice would be an appropriate substitute for Tang.
Sunday 17th  Breakfast and Departure Toast
Breakfast was served in the Grill Room and the party moved to the Gulf Side Deck at Harry's for the Departure Toast to our fallen brothers.  Tom LaBarr and Mike Reed lead the toast with some great words and we shared more stories had some laughs and finally broke up and headed out for home around noon.   

Many folks came a long way and we thank you for participating in the event.  The brotherhood  was apparent and as we all get older these reunions will take more importance. Sharing experiences in life as well as learning and sharing experiences in dealing with the VA etc.is important especially to those that need the assistance medically and financially.  It was decided that we would try to get this group together in two years (Oct. 2006) and make an effort to locate as many of the 231st Members as possible.  The database will be improved and automated so each of you can access it and make changes and updates.

Many thanks to the spouses of the Vets who did more than their part in making the Reunion a success. Without these women we might as well be back in the Delta. 

Send copies of your photos to me at the addresses below.  E-mail or Snail Mail works.

Tom Twitty
E-mail: TomT@INTCA.com
1545 Highland Ave S
Clearwater, FL 33756
727 588-2412
Website:  www.CombatVets.net/231st



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